Faculty Adviser
Student Media
• Serve as faculty member for University’s Department of Student Life and Development, which provides extra-curricular learning experiences for 20,000 Manoa students in governance, leadership, intramurals, orientation, service, recreational activities, and media.
• Advise student media programs involving 100 students and $700,000 in combined budgets for Ka Leo O Hawaiʻi: campus newspaper, website (www.kaleo.org) and social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram via @kaleoohawaii); biannual student literary magazine Hawaiʻi Review (www.hawaiireview.org); year-round, 3000-watt FM radio station with webcasting (http://ktuh.org) that involves 60 students, part-time engineer and annual budget of $70,000; and University of Hawaiʻi Productions video unit (http://uhpro.org).
• Provide year-round journalism training/modules for student editors and staff that range from one to six-hour sessions covering multimedia approaches, interviewing, ethics, photography, packaging content and design for print and web.
• Give program students daily advice on training, management, hiring, budgeting, personnel, reporting/writing/editing stories for all mediums, libel, First Amendment, editing, design, advertising, staff recruitment and retention, media law, job hunting, marketing, procurement, programming, and Federal Communication Commission regulations.
• Collaborate with School of Communications and Department of English faculty to integrate their curriculums and students with our media program through 1 and 3-credit practicum and internships.
• Chair annual, day-long high school journalism workshop on university campus that brings 70 editors and teachers to campus for hands-on sessions run by professionals from local media.
• Coordinated annually until 2013 the Hawaii High School Journalism Awards that involves student media programs from 23 public and private schools, 14 categories in two divisions (print and online), and 32 professional judges using a web-based contest system managed by SmallTownPapers via betternewspapercontest.com for Hawaii Publishers Association.
• Taught EdEA 370 Practicum that emphasizes use of Teams Courses to identify leadership challenges and opportunities in teams. Assigned to teach EdEA 370 course on Peer Leadership and Mentoring.
• Developed specifications for and managed $212,000 printing contract; using two, off-site 4-color presses requiring FTP file transfers, inserts, occasional glossy covers, once a week air and truck delivery from Maui after four years of three-days-a-week publication.
• Purchase, maintain and oversee updating 45 computers and software (OSX and Windows) and user accounts with Adobe Creative Suite 6.0 and InCopy 5.5 and FileMaker 11; with offsite virtual server and backup serviced by $3,000 contract with campus’ Information Technology Services.
• Help prepare and complete annual budget, monthly reconciliations and variances. File monthly P-card logs, confirm student status via BANNER system, initiate and finalize requisitions for Purchase Orders and travel paperwork through university’s financial management information system (Kuali) and eTravel, oversee SuperQuote bidding with commercepoint.com.
• Work with Facilities and Grounds, Procurement and Real Property Management,
Transportation Services and Campus Security offices to maintain building safety, access, and certificates of insurance for off-campus news racks, radio station translator, and delivery van.
• Responsible for overseeing student-initiated projects to ensure compliance with state and university rules: including 2001 construction of $70,000, 3,000-watt FM tower, antennae, and transmitter and on-campus concerts for 4,000 attendees (Bob Dylan, Sheryl Crow, Beck, No Doubt) that generated additional revenue for radio station.
• Provided university sponsorship for grants to high school journalism programs from
Newspaper Association of American Foundation, Dow Jones Newspaper Fund.
• Coordinated Society for News Design workshop on campus with Society of Professional
Journalists’ Hawai`i Chapter, February 2004.
• Developed 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 workshops for UH System student newspapers with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists with Hawaiʻi ties: then Los Angeles Times’ reporter Robert Lopez, USA Today reporter Byron Acohido and then Sacramento Bee editor Melanie Sill.
• Attend national conventions of Associated Collegiate Press, College Media Association, Collegiate Broadcasters, and Journalism Education Association.
• Created and facilitated curriculum for New Student Orientation, Summers 2000-2010.
• Conduct Workshops on Student Media and/or Leadership for:
- Associated Collegiate Press (ACP) Spring National College Journalism Conventions (Los Angeles), 2015 and 2016.
- ACP/College Media Association National Conventions, 2014 and 2015..
- Hue University of Sciences, Department of Journalism, December 2012.
- University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo, October 2011.
- Hoʻopili Hou, Hawaiʻi State Student Leadership Conference, Kauaʻi, 2008.
- Hoʻopili Hou, Hawaiʻi State Student Leadership Conference, Laʻie, 2006.
- Associated Collegiate Press Conventions: 2005, 2004, 2003, and 2000.
- Hoʻopili Hou, Hawaiʻi State Student Leadership Conference, Hilo, 2004.
- Association of College Unions International Hawaiʻi Sub-Regional Conference in Hilo,
October 1998.