Fulbright Core Scholar
Viet Nam
• Hosted by Hue University in central Viet Nam to conduct journalism workshops at the College of Sciences and universities throughout the country and for a professional association based in Ha Noi.
• Provided 20 journalism workshops for 968 students at Hue University College of Sciences (photo and video magazine journalism and multimedia website journalism), Da Nang University of Education (photo and video journalism), Can Tho University (photo journalism) and Thai Nguyen University (photo and print journalism) and photojournalism at American Center for the U.S. Embassy in Rangoon, Burma (Yangon, Myanmar).
• Conducted three workshops on magazine design for 60 editors and one workshop on online reporting for 36 reporters – all affiliated with Academy of Journalism and Communication and the Center for Further Training of Professional Journalists, Vietnam Journalists Association, in Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh City.
• Review and approved for publication 1700 still photographs (Flickr) and 32 videos (YouTube) created by 32 students from Hue University College of Sciences for the Hue Festival, a biannual event that featured eight days of cultural performances by groups from Vietnam, Hungary, China, Finland, Belgium, United States, France, Norway, Japan, Poland, Congo, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Peru, Argentina, the Philippines, Laos, India, Russia, Colombia, Singapore, Australia, Korea, Chile, Denmark, Cuba, England, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Uruguay, Israel, and Brazil.
• Presented at two conferences: “(Mis)Representing Vietnam through Photography,” Engaging with Vietnam Conference, Thai Nguyen University, December 16, 2013. “Fulbright Opportunities,” East-West Center International Media Conference, March 12, 2014. Yangon, Myanmar.
• Delivered three lectures on at the American Center for the U.S. Embassy in Ha Noi (“How to Present” to 90 people and “Citizen Journalism” to 30 participants and again to 10 staff), one lecture on “How to Present” to 300 people at the American Center at the U.S. Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City, and one lecture on “Citizen Journalism” to 15 participants at the American Center for the U.S. Embassy in Seoul, Korea.